We have our’s do you? A fun tradition to get us all ready for Christmas is an Advent Calendar. As early as 1851, advent calendars were used to make this countdown even more exciting. Originally, they were based on 24 days with Christmas Eve as the last night to either put up a picture or take a candy. Today, the traditional German calendars still show 24 days, but in the United States, it’s not uncommon to also find ones with 25 days — the last opening to occur on Christmas Day. Here are a few of my favorites!
This simple, handmade Felt calendar works in almost any style home…www.purlbee.com
This one from www.thelandofnod.com would be perfect in a kids play room
This one made from toilet paper rolls, can be a project that you and the kids can make together. www.mayamade.blogspot.com
Here are some more from Pottery Barn and Garnet Hill, two of my favorites stores!
This one from Pottery Barn kids, is the one we have…Perfect for kids of all ages!
What are some of your family’s favorite Christmas Traditions? Send me some pics and they may just make it on my next blog post!!!!
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