Yes I know, I am a few days behind most of the New Years Posts (see below perfectionist-procrastinator). I have been enjoying my time being a full time Wife and Mom (and Couch potato)!
Don’t Judge! 🙂
Of course I have been scouring books, blogs and pinterest in my abundance of spare time.
And unlike most wives/moms home for 2 weeks-
doing VERY little Cooking or cleaning (again see below perfectionist-procrastinator) b/c I’m just not very good at it!
Again…No Judging! 🙂
And that is a curse b/c we know is not actually possible.
Keeping Balance is never peaceful.
It’s running frantically here and there
trying to do so many things- simultaneously.
Never quite seeming to be satisfied with the never perfect outcome.
In a typical week- one where the kids are in school til 2:30 every day I do actually get a lot accomplished. There are always more things to do, but in all seriousness,
It’s NEVER all Done!
And Man do I have a lot of things I would like to accomplish in my Business and Personally,
that haven’t actually made it on the to do list…Yet
Which leads me to my next personality trait. I am also a perfectionist- procrastinator, so If I can’t do it the way I see (perfectly) fit, then I typically procrastinate. Which then gets me in a bind, because I run out of time and it’s still not perfect. AHHHHHHH
So that leads me to one of my Goals for this year
So to all of the other Balance Striving Perfectionist Procrastinators out there
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